Report 12/2024
Building Health Equity: The Role of The Property Sector in Improving Health by Michael Marmot, Jessica Allen, Michael Alexander, Jamaica Norferini

Building Health Equity: The Role of The Property Sector in Improving Health

.pdfExecutive Summary .pdfMain Report .pdfPress Release

This review by the UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) explains how the twin crises of health and housing can be tackled together, by promoting health equity.

A safe and secure home is essential for good health. The homes, neighbourhoods and communities in which we live shape our health in many ways, for good and, increasingly, for ill. Without these, we will see a worsening of physical and mental health, higher mortality rates and greater strain on the NHS.

The review lays out a way forward to enable the property sector and national and local governments to work in partnership and put health equity, wellbeing and environmental sustainability at the heart of how the UK builds homes and shapes neighbourhoods.

Further reading