Menu Home About Us About Professor Sir Michael Marmot Professor Sir Michael Marmot honoured in BMJ awards 2021 The Institute of Health Equity Team How we can help you UCL Marmot Prince Mahidol Fellows Accessibility Statement Taking Action Marmot Places Coventry Gwent Greater Manchester Luton Cheshire and Merseyside Waltham Forest Leeds Lancashire and Cumbria Greater Manchester - Manchester City Council Southwest Region Covid-19 Marmot Reports Monitoring and Evaluating Progress Healthcare Organisations Global Work Hong Kong Reports Greater London Voluntary and Community Sector Barnardos Collaboration Business Sector Evidence to Action Reports Give every child the best start in life Enable all children to maximise their capabilities Create fair employment and good work for all Ensure healthy standard of living for all Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention Tackle discrimination, racism and their outcomes Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together Housing Systems Change Resources & Reports England Marmot Reports In the News News Coverage A prescription for Poverty Too Many Men Die Young Modern life is leaving women twice as likely to be stressed as men as they juggle work, family and children Ihsan Doğramacı Family Health Foundation Prize Are we seeing a new ‘inequality paradigm’ in social science? ’30,000 excess deaths linked to NHS and social care cuts’ Three Rules For Helping Rebuild Communities Surging ahead: How smarter urbanisation can help us meet the challenges of rapid growth BMJ Opinion - Sian Griffiths: Inequality matters Working together to reduce health inequalities in the Marmot City of Coventry How do we solve the issues of longevity? Epilepsy for a Higher Risk Groups Health in all policies A bigger cake Boys and Men's Health: An urgent need to make the investment - Pharmacy in Focus - Ten Questions Views on End of Life Care - Is it too easy to blame parents for children’s poor oral health? Want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness: are Beveridge’s five evils back? Feminists fight to keep gender questions in census Parliamentary citation Is everything you think you know about depression wrong? Life expectancy in Britain has stagnated, meaning that a million years of life could disappear by 2058 – why? Investing in Young People's Mental Health Needs Today for Tomorrow Health inequality costs A century of improving life expectancies in the UK is now officially over Read more at: The consequences of workplace surveillance Life expectancy falls by a year in several regions of England Rod Liddle on how longer lives have been lost under a mountain of fat BBC Radio 4 The World This Weekend - Global news and analysis Hammond dismisses Johnson call for £5 billion a year extra for NHS after Brexit Brexit - Johnson is rebuked for "discredited" NHS claim Our NHS Needs An Innovative Future - Today We're Outlining Labour's Five Point Plan Devolution Inaction - The House Magazine GP inspections: are sanctions holding back improvement in poor areas? 42% of Households in Northern Ireland Affected by Fuel Poverty Rich outlive poor by more than 8 years Why neoliberal institutions are pushing ‘Accountable Care Inclusion health: a new perspective on health inequalities? Raw Power: Britain’s changing appetite for veg Reversing the social curse - blog post Coventry under the spotlight for Norwegian Health delegation Going broke midlife tied to increased risk of premature death As rich children slim down, poor ones are getting fatter - The Economist Millennials are on track to have worse health in middle age than their parents Winter death toll hits highest level for FIVE YEARS after the country was buffeted by the 'Beast from the East' Yes, let’s celebrate the NHS at 70. But it isn’t the only service keeping us healthy LIFESPAN GROWTH SLOWING Brits’ life expectancy slowing due to austerity and unhealthy lifestyles Mark Thomas – Check Up: Our NHS at 70 review – infectious wit and political fury Today’s children set to live shorter lives than parents - The Times The Guardian view on life expectancy stalling: a political choice Higher taxes on the rich could reduce UK health inequality, says expert Two in five people with learning disabilities not diagnosed in childhood Why do not we live longer? Smoking ban tops ranking as RSPH unveils greatest 20 public health achievements of the 21st century Austerity blamed for life expectancy stalling for first time in century Gains in UK life expectancy stall after decade of austerity, report says Poorest women's life expectancy declines, finds report Life expectancy of poorest women in England falls as experts warn of growing health inequalities Taking urgent action on health inequities Overview of Media Coverage: Marmot Review 10 Years On Tackle climate crisis and poverty with zeal of Covid-19 fight, scientists urge Coronavirus latest: Britain's lack of preparedness for tackling Covid-19 crisis linked to austerity, health expert says Poverty kills people: after coronavirus we can no longer ignore it London bus driver deaths to be examined in coronavirus study Earlier lockdown could have saved lives of London bus drivers, says report Why did England have Europe's worst Covid figures? The answer starts with austerity RCP joins with nearly 80 organisations to call for action on health inequalities Life expectancy a up to decade longer in Coventry's richest communities New Zealand must match its 'in this together' Covid rhetoric with action on basic services Analysis: Coronavirus - what researchers know about the risk of reopening schools Coronavirus: London bus driver deaths to be reviewed Covid-19 has shone a light on racial disparities in health The Guardian view on the public realm: rebuild the people's palaces - Editorial Offline: It's time to ask questions and learn lessons - The Lancet Hackney health chief opens up about mental health impact of pandemic Budget 2021: austerity by stealth will repeat the mistakes of 2010s all over again - The Conversation United action needed to build back fairer, not just better UK public health expert criticises No 10 race report ‘shortcomings’ - Guardian News coverage citing Michael Marmot response to govt commissioned race report L and G partner with Sir Michael Marmot on health inequality Legal & General establishes partnership with Sir Michael Marmot to address UK health inequality New multi-million charity fund to tackle health inequality Legal & General establishes partnership with Sir Michael Marmot to address UK health inequality Legal & General partners with Sir Michael Marmot to address UK health inequality New partnership established to address UK health inequality Legal & General establishes partnership with Sir Michael Marmot to address UK health inequality2 Minority communities have struggled to get fair health treatment for too long. The vaccine programme shows the way Focus should be on health, says L&G Covid death rate 25% higher in Greater Manchester - report Jaw-dropping’ fall in life expectancy in poor areas of England, report finds ‘Jaw-dropping’ falls in life expectancy as Greater Manchester sees a quarter more Covid deaths than the English average Local authorities will not wait for Government action on inequality – Marmot COVID mortality rate 25% higher in Greater Manchester, report finds Covid Mortality Rate 25% higher in Manchester than national average, report finds Government must tackle stark regional health inequalities exposed by pandemic, says Marmot Levelling up health in the UK New regional health economics network for North Wales Why real estate must help to narrow health inequalities A radical plan to treat Covid’s mental health fallout What are the social determinants of good mental and physical health? ‘£20 cut would repeat past mistakes’ universal credit campaigners tell PM Ten years of bad policy have destroyed Britain’s health, yet we’re still arguing among ourselves Health inequality is a choice – and so is fixing it Guardian article: uk-womens-health-review-set-to-launch-in-spring Basic income: Wales pilot offers £1,600 a month to care leavers Some people in Wales will get almost £20,000 a year as part of a basic income trial Michael Gove defends funding of ‘rehashed’ levelling-up promises UCL Summer School: Social Determinants of Health: 4-8 July 2022 Business should play a more active role in improving health, say researchers NEW REPORT FROM THE INSTITUTE WITH LEGAL AND GENERAL Food plan unlikely to beat obesity crisis, leading UK inequalities expert warns Should ESG explicitly focus on health? MarmotLancetJuly2022 Upcoming Cold Homes Report Webinar A generation of Britons face long-term illness from being cold and poor this winter Fuel poverty 'will cause thousands of lives lost and children's development blighted' Real household disposable incomes to fall by 10% this year and next Millions facing ‘significant humanitarian crisis’ due to rising cost of living, leading experts warn Most teachers giving pupils food and clothes as cost of living crisis hits households The energy crisis puts a health time-bomb under Britain’s most vulnerable How IHE helped Manchester become Council of the Year Sir Michael Marmot: We must not return to austerity New Podcast: Did austerity work? Cold comfort: the science of staying warm in the energy crisis Feeding Britain: Obesity is not always a personal choice – until we recognise that, nothing will change Honoured health expert says UK failing to meet basic needs of food and shelter All In It Together Were Unequal Outcomes Inevitable during Covid-19 Understand local population and overcome bias to tackle health inequalities, says RPS Keir Starmer may win power but he won’t be able to turn the UK around on the cheap Mark my words: this will be the end of the NHS if the Tories have their way NHS waiting times: a government pledge Cost-of-living crisis will harm Londoners’ health and requires urgent action Cottage Centre’s Big Hoose project gives 430,000 goods to families in poverty Gordon Brown warns of Tories ‘testing the water’ for two-tier healthcare Here's what can be done to try to fix Wales' health crisis Our Economic Masters Failed on Their Own Terms Anger as UK drops health disparities plans The future of work Cradle to grave: can the NHS be fixed? Social tenants say poor housing is bad for their health Charity collaborates with ICSs to boost childhood health Reinventing public purpose Why did 250,000 Britons die sooner than expected? How poor housing costs the NHS £1.4bn a year It’s groundhog day for preventative care Labour’s Wes Streeting is half right about how to fix the NHS Expert accuses politicians of choosing not to reduce child poverty Landmark report charts route for reorienting economies to deliver health for all An economics of health for all Poverty proofing and a national strategy for the cost-of-living crisis Close Inequalities to End AIDS & Prepare for Future Pandemics Public health review of noncommunicable disease prevention and its determinants: Belgium David Cameron is heckled as he leaves the Covid Inquiry Covid inquiry – live: David Cameron says it was a ‘mistake’ not to look at other types of diseases David Cameron refusing to say austerity had no impact on pandemic ‘flies in face of scientific opinion’, says health expert So, George Osborne, austerity was essential? Tell that to the children still suffering its terrible effects Key takeaways as Whitty and Vallance give evidence to Covid inquiry ‘Cameron and Osborne’s Claims that Austerity had No Impact on COVID Preparedness is Jaw-Dropping’ Covid-19 inquiry: Experts clash with political leaders over effects of austerity Tories, hear this: the public still believes in the NHS Experts clash with political leaders over effects of austerity UK’s health equity slows down Councils approach to tackling health inequalities receives recognition Climate change could leave children worse off than parents The two-child benefit cap shames our country – it’s time to end it Reducing inequality in Knowsley could save NHS £400k a year Call for new pandemic minister likely as Covid inquiry considers impact of Brexit and austerity The fight against unfair cuts must continue The Policy Ask with Michael Marmot Who lives and who dies in the world’s next pandemic should not depend on where they live Development of a conceptual framework to guide description and evaluation of social interventions for people with serious mental health conditions What we can do to protect people from dementia Britain’s hunger and malnutrition crisis could be easily solved – yet politicians choose not to Health is the key to our wealth Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Covid-19 has cut UK life expectancy by around half a year, data suggest An Open Letter to Party Leaders BMJ Opinion: We know what to do to improve health Andrew Marr The Marmot NHS Trust approach could help NHS organisations tackle health inequalities Brits Suffering 'Grim' Victorian Diseases Due To Poverty, Says Public Health Expert Michael Marmot on health and the UK election companion of Honour Action on Social Determinants of Heath Equity Multi-Country Initiative Almost 10m UK households living in ‘cold, damp, poorly insulated homes’ UK energy bills to fall – but millions still live in dangerously cold and damp homes Report lays bare ‘dire state’ of Britain’s homes Operational Framework for Monitoring Social Determinants of Health Equity Our country has become poor and unhealthy Health deteriorating for people living in Leeds' poorest communities Marmot Places: the areas taking a proactive local approach to health inequalities What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain? Leading MPs condemned as more constituents suffer ‘avoidable ill-health’ Poorer people dying increasingly younger than richer people as 'dismal' life expectancy gap grows, report finds Gwent in the Financial Times Students at top private schools have 10 times more green space than state pupils £1m funding boost for North East communities to tackle health inequality Panorama Britains Child Health Crisis Structural racism leading to stark health inequalities in London, report shows Racism is exacerbating London’s health inequalities, report concludes Structural racism and the social determinants of health How should the government tackle health inequalities Citizens Advice Northumberland sees record number seek help for cost of living, energy and debt issues Institute of Health Equity and Oxfordshire new partnership aims to deliver a fairer and healthier county New collaboration to tackle Scottish health inequalities Media coverage of the new Institute of Health Equity report on The Property Sectors Role on Improving Health BMJ Coverage of our New Building Health Equity Report Interview with Legal & General about The Building Health Equity Report New project in Wales launched to tackle health inequalities guided by the Marmot Principles Lancet article discussing the Institute of Health Equity's Norway inequalities report Articles by the Institute Team Working for health equity Paying for the positive impact Socioeconomic disadvantage and onset of disabling chronic condition in childhood The Role of Social Determinants in Tackling Health Objectives in a Context of Economic Crisis Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health How will the Financial Crisis Affect Health? The Right to Sutures Social Epidemiology Human Rights and Social Justice Social Science and Medicine Reviews and Response Improving Health: Social Determinants and Personal Choice Using conditionality as a solution to the problem of low uptake of essential services among disadvantaged communities: a social determinants view Shocking Annual Death Toll from Cold Homes is Preventable Global Action on Social Determinants of Health Social Determinants of Health in Europe Building of the Global Movement for Health Equity: from Santiago to Rio and Beyond WHO European Review of Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide The art of Medicine - Europe: good, bad, and beautiful Drivers Newsletter Importance of Monitoring Health Inequalities Social Gradient Children's health harmed by rising poverty How you can fight injustice to save lives Family socio-economic status and young children's outcomes Social Determinants of Health Equity Social Determinants of Mental Health Capital Health Health Inequalities: Why they matter From Science to Policy Book Chapter Growing up healthy. Or not. Child health inequalities in the UK Systematic review of parenting interventions in European countries aiming to reduce social inequalities in children's health and development Employment, income and health inequalities in the economic recovery Take the local lead on health inequalities Planning – a powerful tool for reducing health inequalities Going hungry, and the importance of absolute poverty Inégalités en matière de santé en Angleterre: politique récente et éléments de preuve We can do better in building society Planning for Health and Well-Being: Chapter 7 - 'Health Inequalities and the Role of the Physical and Social Environment' A Lancet 'Film and Book' review by Michael Marmot, featuring Inequality: What Can Be Done? a book by Anthony B Atkinson, and The Divide, a film by Katharine Round The art of medicine - Post-truth and science Galileo—speaking truth to power The UK’s current health problems should be treated with urgency - BMJ What can Britain learn from the US on links between economic distress and poor health? Man-made disaster - Book Review - The Lancet Inclusion Health: addressing the causes of the causes - The Lancet Just societies, health equity, and dignified lives: the PAHO Equity Commission Prevention is Better than Cure Health equity in England: the Marmot review 10 years on The Art of Medicine - Society and the slow burn of inequality Health inequalities, COVID-19 and healthcare professionals Ethnic minority groups in England and Wales - factors affecting the size and timing of elevated COVID-19 mortality: a retrospective cohort study linking Census and death records Sustainable health equity: achieving a net-zero UK 61 Family health strategy and health equity among older adults COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong COVID-19: exposing and amplifying inequalities COVID-19 pandemic: a unique opportunity to ‘build back fairer’ and reduce health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - EMHJ Build back fairer: achieving health equity in the Eastern Mediterranean region of WHO - The Lancet Sajid Javid must promote health across government Changing behaviour: an essential component of tackling health inequalities Working with businesses to tackle health inequality A programme for greater health equity for the next UK Government Press Releases and Briefings Marmot Indicators 2014 Press Release Measuring What Matters: A Guide for Children's Centres Health Inequalities in the EU Review of Social Determinants and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region The impact of the economic downturn and policy changes on health inequalities in London IHE Response to Alcohol Strategy Marmot Indicators 2015 Press Release Marmot Indicators 2017 Briefing PAHO Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas met with officials and civil society in Trinidad and Tobago A Fair, Supportive Society - Press Release IHE’s response to Government announcement on prevention and life expectancy A "Wellbeing Economy" must emerge from COVID-19 Independent review into the deaths of London bus drivers from Covid-19 suggests earlier lockdown would have saved lives Health inequalities & climate change assessed together to inform sixth carbon budget Build Back Fairer: The COVID-19 Marmot Review New report provides groundbreaking insights into the state of health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region CONFIRMED: Large falls in life expectancy as health inequalities widen New bold & ambitious framework to reduce inequities & build back fairer for future generations 'If Government is serious about levelling up, here’s how to do it", says Marmot Keep the lifeline - open letter to the Prime Minister - JRF Business must play a positive role in the nation’s health Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes and Health Inequalities in the UK Reducing Health Inequalities in Luton a Marmot Town Press Release Press Release Evidence Review: Housing and Health Inequalities in London The Rising Cost of Living: A Review of Interventions to Reduce Impacts on Health Inequalities in London Barnardo’s to help tackle children’s health equity through launch of new Collaborative Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Left Out in the Cold: The Hidden Impact of Cold Homes Englands Widening Health Gap The Health Equity Network Search Contact us Search In the News Press Releases and Briefings Press Releases and Briefings 08/01/24 Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Press Releases and Briefings 01/05/24 England’s Widening Health Gap: Local Places Falling Behind Read more Press Releases and Briefings 23/02/24 Press Release: Left Out in the Cold: The Hidden Impact of Cold Homes Read more Press Releases and Briefings 08/01/24 Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Read more Press Releases and Briefings 15/02/23 Barnardo’s to help tackle children’s health equity through launch of new Collaborative Read more Press Releases and Briefings 29/09/22 Press Release Evidence Review: Housing and Health Inequalities in London Read more Press Releases and Briefings 07/09/22 Press Release Reducing Health Inequalities in Luton: A Marmot Town Read more Press Releases and Briefings 02/09/22 Press Release Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes and Health Inequalities in the UK Read more Press Releases and Briefings 04/04/22 Business must play a positive role in the nation’s health Read more Press Releases and Briefings 02/09/21 JRF Letter to the Prime Minister, signed by Prof. Marmot, urging the Government not to go ahead with planned cut to Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit Read more Press Releases and Briefings 30/06/21 New framework on how to reduce health inequities and build back fairer from the COVID-19 pandemic Read more Previous 1 2 3 Next Stay up to date All the latest IHE news and events straight to your inbox. 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Press Releases and Briefings 08/01/24 Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short