TheMarmot Review 10 Years On report was published in February 2020, as the pandemic was breaking out across Europe. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed entrenched levels of social, environmental and economic inequality across societies around the world putting particular populations at higher risk.
Building Back Fairer,published in 2020, examines inequalities in COVID-19 mortality, focussing inequalities in mortality among: people living in areas of higher deprivation, ethnic minority communities and people working in certain occupations. The report shows the effects of the pandemic and of theinterventions designed to contain and reduce the risk ofthe pandemic on mental and physical health and their likely effects on health inequalities in the future.
In 2021 IHE was commissioned by Transport for London to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on London's bus drivers. The product was the London Bus Drivers Review.
Articles by the Institute Team
COVID-19 pandemic: a unique opportunity to ‘build back fairer’ and reduce health inequities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - EMHJArticle related to the work of the WHO EMRO Commission 2021